Missouri Stream Team

Activity Report

Due to an increase in web security levels, please refrain from using any special characters other than a period (.) in any data entry field.

The Stream Team Program will be transitioning to a new data entry system. In order to prepare for this transition, emails will be required for all new and existing volunteers to submit such things as Activity Reports, supply orders, and water quality data. Please make sure your email is on file with the Program to ease this transition.
Thank You

Having difficulties? Email Stream.Team@mdc.mo.gov or call 1-800-781-1989 for help.

  • * is a required field
Stream Team Identification

Contact/Shipping Information

Please help us save on shipping costs; ship to your office or school if possible!

Team Contact Person Information

Stream Team Activity

Please provide a detailed location description for your activity/activities (e.g. 100 yards upstream (US) from Hwy 63 bridge). Include distance from a named highway or known landmark, as well as township, range and section if possible, as we map the information you give us.

What made this activity fun and unique. Include facts about the project not covered in the previous information (e.g. the first litter pickup ever conducted on Dry Fork Creek), etc.

Thank You Items (Optional)

You may request these free items in any combination. Shipment is subject to availability. Please allow up to three weeks for delivery.

ItemNumber Requested
*Teams will only receive the number of supplies for volunteers reported above.* T-Shirts (Stream Team) (shipped in available sizes and colors)YS
COLORING BOOK (Aquatic Invertebrate)
Keychains (Whistle - Stream Team)
Patches (Stream Team, Scouts only, 3" round)
Pencils (Get Into Missouri Streams)
Pop It Fidget Toy
Stickers (I Love Missouri Streams, 3" round)
TattooST Logo
Vinyl DecalGo With the Flow
I Live For Clean Streams
Activity Prize Drawing (Optional)

If you would like to be included in our 'Activity Prize Drawing', select 'Yes' below and enter all the participants' names in the box provided. The more activities you submit, the better your chances! New prizes will be drawn every three months.

If you are a teacher or youth group leader and wish to be included in our drawing, select 'Yes' to be entered in the 'Youth Group Prize Drawing'. You do not need to enter the participants' names in the box.

-- OR --
Activity Supplies (Optional)
ItemNumber Requested
First Aid Kit (Limit one per 10-15 participants)
Litter Pickup Bag (24" x 36" green mesh) for cleanups with larger trash items
Litter Pickup Bag (Standard red mesh)
Work GlovesA. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
Activity Photos (Maximum of 5 photos up to 5MB each)