Missouri Stream Team

Replacement Equipment & Reagent Order Form

Due to an increase in web security levels, please refrain from using any special characters other than a period (.) in any data entry field.

The Stream Team Program will be transitioning to a new data entry system. In order to prepare for this transition, emails will be required for all new and existing volunteers to submit such things as Activity Reports, supply orders, and water quality data. Please make sure your email is on file with the Program to ease this transition.
Thank You

Having difficulties? Email Stream.Team@mdc.mo.gov or call 1-800-781-1989 for help.

  • * is a required field

  • K = Test kit
  • R = Replacement reagent
  • E = Replacement equipment

  • (s) = Standarad test kits given at Level 1 WQM Workshops
  • (o) = Optional test kits given on a case by case basis

If you have attended our Stream Team Water Quality Monitoring Workshop you may order replacement kits, reagents and equipment. Please note that you will receive equipment if you have attended these workshops. For more information about the Stream Team Water Quality Monitoring Program please go here: StreamTeam.org

Do you need replacement reagents or equipment? Simply select what equipment you need, and we will get it shipped to you. Please allow 4 weeks for shipping time.

Please provide the following information (note: please provide a street address, UPS will not deliver to a P.O. Box).

If you have attended our Stream Team Introductory Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Workshop, you can order replacement equipment for Biological Monitoring:

Parameter TestedTypeCatalog NumberDescriptionQty. Needed
BiologicalESTR 433Forceps (flexible stainless steel)
BiologicalESTR 205Kick Net
BiologicalESTR 344Magnifier (small clear cube)
BiologicalESTR 252Magnifier (5x hand lens)
BiologicalESTR 232Forceps/Tweezers
BiologicalESTR 233Vials, set of 18

If you have attended out Stream Team Level 1, Level 2, and/or Level 3 Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Workshop(s), you can order replacement equipment for Chemical Monitoring. Please find the kit needing replacement reagents/equipment and select the replacement reagents and/or equipment desired:

Parameter TestedTypeCatalog NumberDescriptionQty. Needed
Dissolved OxygenE438-00Measuring Tube, Plastic 5.83 ml
Dissolved OxygenE14197-00Dropper, Glass w/ 0.5 and 1.0 ml Mark
Dissolved OxygenE968-00Clippers for Powder Pillows
Dissolved OxygenE439-00Square Glass Dropping Bottle, 29 ml
Dissolved OxygenE1909-02Bottle, Glass w/stopper BOD 60 ml w/ 30ml line
Dissolved OxygenK1469-00Test Kit, OX-2P Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved OxygenR981-99DO 1 Reagent Powder Pillows pk/100
Dissolved OxygenR982-99DO 2 Reagent Powder Pillows pk/100
Dissolved OxygenR987-99DO 3 Reagent Powder Pillows pk/100
Dissolved OxygenR24089-32Sodium Thiosulfate STD, 0.0109N
NitratesE1191T61Test Tube Plastic Square, 2.5 & 5 mL
NitratesE0534Z01Cap - Test Tube
NitratesE0535D32Sample Collecting Bottle
NitratesE3109Octet Comparator
NitratesE692Cap - Water Sample Bottle
NitratesK9591D43LaMotte Nitrate Nitrogen Tablet Test Kit
NitratesR1194N94Nitrate #1 Tablets, 50 per box
NitratesRC942Z74Nitrate #2 CTA Tablets, 50 per box
pHK95310-00Pocket Pro pH Tester
pHR22835-49Yellow pH 7.0 Buffer Solution, 500 ml
pHR22836-49Blue pH 10.0 Buffer Solution, 500 ml
ConductivityK95314-00Pocket Pro Low Range Conductivity Tester
ConductivityR14400-42Sodium Chloride, 1000 umho/cm (NOT HACH POCKET PRO METERS)
ConductivityRLZW9710.99Sodium Chloride, 1413 microS/cm (HACH POCKET PRO METER ONLY)
TemperatureK26763-00Pocket Celsius Thermometer -5 to 45 deg. C
TransparencyESTR 260Transparency Tube
ChloridesK27449-40Chloride Test Strips Low, 30-600 mg/L, pk/40 strips
ChloridesK27513-40Chloride Test Strips High, 300-6000 mg/L, pk/40 strips
Safety Equipment:
Parameter TestedTypeCatalog NumberDescriptionQty. Needed
SafetyESTR 268Cubitainer, Waste Collection
SafetyESTR 207Safety Goggles
SafetyESTR 216Rubber Gloves L (pair)
SafetyESTR 217Rubber Gloves XL (pair)
Other Equipment:
Catalog# Description Qty. Needed