Missouri Department of Conservation

Welcome to MDC Online Wildlife Health Event Reporting

Report a Wildlife Health Event

The Missouri Department of Conservation works to ensure the health and sustainability of the state’s diverse wildlife populations. Reporting sick or dead wildlife can be important for monitoring the health of local animal populations and identifying potential disease outbreaks. With this reporting tool, you can contribute valuable data to our monitoring and management efforts.

Here's How it Works

To report observations of sick and dead wildlife click on “Report a Wildlife Health Event” near the bottom of this page.

  • Select the type of animal you are reporting.
  • Answer a few questions to describe what you saw.
  • Provide your contact information in case MDC staff needs more information and/or wants to collect samples for testing.
  • Click "Submit" near the bottom of the page.

Submitting reports may result in you being contacted to assist with the investigation of this wildlife health event.

Note: If you would like to do a verbal report, please contact your local MDC office: https://mdc.mo.gov/contact-engage/local-mdc-contacts

With this reporting tool, you can contribute valuable data to our monitoring and management efforts.

If you have any questions, please contact the Wildlife Health Program at 573-522-0142.