Missouri Department of Conservation




Class: AVES





Taxonomic Authority: (LINNAEUS)

Taxonomy References: 064 , 065



Status References: 014 , 030 , 047 , 051

Habitat Summary

"Inhabit open fields, prairies, native grass plantings and shallow marshes. Herbaceous vegetation should be dense, with nearly 100% canopy cover, and reach height of 10\" by mid-may."

Primary Habitat: "Grassland(matrix)"

References: 002


General Occurrence in State:

"Rare summer resident, uncommon winter resident *46*."

County Occurance

County Occurence
Known Likely Unknown Not Likely Historic Extirpated

References for distribution: 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 , 006 , 007 , 008 , 009 , 010 , 012 , 013 , 014 , 032 , 033 , 034 , 035 , 036 , 037 , 038 , 040 , 041 , 046 , 050 , 011 , 039

Distribution by Watersheds

Wyaconda R.
North Fabius R. and Middle Fabius R.
South Fabius R.
Miss. R. from Des Moines R. to MO. R.; and North R.
North Fork from Headwaters to South Fork
South Fork from Headwaters to North Fork
Salt R.
Cuivre R.
Dardenne Creek
Miss. R. from St. Louis to River Aux Vases
Meramec R.
Bourbeuse R.
Big R.
Miss. R. from River Aux Vases to Ohio R.
Castor R. and Castor R. Diversion Channel
Miss R. from Ohio R. to Arkansas Border
St. John's Ditch and Blue Ditch
St. Francis R. from Headwaters to Wappapello Dam
St. Francis R. from Wappapello Dam to Arkansas Border
Little R.
Area Bordered by Black R. and St. Francis R. South of Quintan, MO
Mo. R. from Iowa Border to Nishnabotna R.
Nishnabotna R.
Mo. R. from Nishnabotna R. to Nodaway R.
Nodaway R.
Mo.R. from Nodaway to Kansas City
Platte R.
One Hundred and Two R.
Northwest Corner of Jackson County
Grand R. from Headwaters to Shoal Creek
Thompson R.
Grand R. from Shoal Creek to MO. R.
Chariton R. from Headwaters to Shuteye Creek
Chariton R. from Shuteye Creek to Mo. R.
Little Chariton R.
Marais Des Cygnes from Headwaters to Little Osage R.
Little Osage R.
Marmaton R.
Osage R. from Headwaters to Warsaw, MO.
Sac R.
Pomme De Terre R.
South Grand R.
Osage R. from Warsaw to Bagnell Dam
Niangua R.
Osage R. from Bagnell Dam to Mo. R.
Gasconade R. from Headwaters to Big Piney R.
Big Piney R.
Gasconade R. from Big Piney R. to Mo. R.
Mo. R. from Kansas City to Little Chariton R.
Mo. R. from Little Chariton R. to Gasconade R.
Lamine R.
Blackwater R.
Mo. R. from Gasconade R. to Miss. R.
James R.
Black R.
Current R.
Lost Creek
Spring R.
Indian Creek

Comments: "Likely to occur in units listed, based on county occurrence."

Distribution by Ecoregions

Central Till Plains, Mississippi River Alluvial Plains, Osage Plains, Ozark Highlands

Comments: ""

Distribution by Potential Natural Vegetation

Bluestem Prairie/Oak Hickory Forest
Oak-Hickory Forest
Oak-Hickory-Pine Forest
Southern Floodplain Forest

Distribution by Natural Divisions of Missouri

Glaciated Plains
Glaciated Plains: Western
Glaciated Plains: Grand River
Glaciated Plains: Eastern
Glaciated Plains: Lincoln Hills
Big Rivers
Big Rivers: Upper Missouri
Big Rivers: Lower Missouri
Big Rivers: Upper Mississippi
Big Rivers: Lower Mississippi
Ozark Border
Ozark Border: Missouri River
Ozark Border: Mississippi River
Ozark: Springfield Plateau
Ozark: Upper Ozark
Ozark: St. Francois Mountains
Ozark: Elk River
Ozark: Lower Ozark
Mississippi Lowlands
Mississippi Lowlands: Crowley's Ridge
Mississippi Lowlands: Lowlands
Osage Plains

Habitat Associations

Species is associated with "Terrestrial" habitats.

National Wetlands Inventory Association:


Aquatic Associations:

"Palustrine", "Emergent"
"Palustrine", "Scrub/shrub, broad-leaved deciduous"

References for Aquatic Associations: 018 , 021 , 022 , 023

Habitat Types:

Cereal Grain
Perennial Grass (Warm season)
Perennial Grass (cool-season)
Savanna (Grass-Shrub)
Legumes (Tame)

References for Habitat Types: 018 , 019 , 020 , 021 , 022 , 028 , 023

Terrestrial Natural Communities:

Dry Savanna
Dry-Mesic Savanna
Mesic Savanna
Wet-Mesic Savanna
Limestone/Dolomite Savanna
Chert Savanna
Sandstone Savanna
Sand Savanna
Igneous Savanna
Dry Prairie
Dry-Mesic Prairie
Mesic Prairie
Wet-Mesic Prairie
Wet Prairie
Limestone/Dolomite Prairie
Dry-Mesic Limestone/Dolomite Prairie
Chert Prairie
Dry-Mesic Chert Prairie
Sandstone/Shale Prairie
Dry-Mesic Sandstone/Shale Prairie
Sand Prairie
Dry-Mesic Sand Prairie
Hardpan Prairie
Freshwater Marsh
Pond Marsh
Ground Water Seepage

References for Terrestrial Natural Communities: 015 , 016 , 017 , 018 , 019 , 020 , 021 , 022 , 028 , 061 , 023

Food Habits

Trophic Level:


Larval Food Habits

Comments for larval food habits:

References for larval food habits:

Juvenile Food Habits

Juvenile diet similar to adult's; Not Specified

Comments for Juvenile Food Habits:

References Juvenile Food Habits 002

Adult Food Habits

Coleoptera (beetles); Not Specified
Amphibians; Not Specified
Salientia (frogs, toads, peepers, tree frogs); Not Specified
Reptiles; Not Specified
Sauria (lizards, skinks); Not Specified
Serpentes (snakes); Not Specified
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, mantids); Not Specified
Columbiformes (pigeons and doves); Not Specified
Icteridae (meadowlarks, blackbirds, orioles); Not Specified
Carrion; Not Specified
Terrestrial Insects; Not Specified
Crustaceans; Not Specified
Insects Insects; Not Specified
Mammals; Not Specified
Leporidae (rabbits); Not Specified
Sciuridae (squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs); Not Specified
Cricetidae (woodrats, mice, voles, lemmings); Not Specified
Birds; Not Specified
Tetraonidae (grouse and ptarmigan); Not Specified

Comments for Adult Food Habits:

References Adult Food Habits 016 , 017 , 018 , 019 , 021 , 022 , 024 , 025 , 026 , 027 , 060 , 023

Niche Requirements

Egg Niche Requirements

References for egg niches requirements:

Feeding Larvae Niche Requirements

References for feeding larvae niche requirements:

Resting Larvae Niche Requirements

References for resting Larvae niche requirements:

Feeding Juvenile Niche Requirements

Inland wetlands: swamp
Inland wetlands: marsh
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Successional stage: stable prairie/grassland
Successional stage: climax grassland
Agricultural crops: wheat
Agricultural crops specified in comments(00670)

References for feeding juvenile niche requirements: 018 , 021 , 022 , 031 , 023

Resting Juvenile Niche Requirements

References for resting juvenile niche requirements:

Breeding Adult Niche Requirements

Standing dead vegetation specified in comments(00770)
Water level: semipermanently flooded
Water level: seasonally flooded
Inland wetlands: marsh
Inland wetlands: slough, bayou
Inland wetlands: fen
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Size of continuous grasslands specified in comments(00365)
Successional stage: stable prairie/grassland
Successional stage: climax grassland
Leaf litter/ground debris specified in comments(00460)
Shrubs: blackberry
Shrubs specified in comments(00615)
Herbaceous cover (%) specified in comments(00620) Herbaceous cover (%) specified in comments
Height of herbaceous vegetation specified in comments(00630)
Agricultural crops: wheat
Agricultural crops: hay
Agricultural crops specified in comments(00670)
Conservation reserve program (CRP) fields
Isolation from humans required; should be relatively inaccessible

References for feeding Adult niche requirements: 015 , 016 , 017 , 019 , 020 , 021 , 022 , 031 , 042 , 052 , 053 , 054 , 058 , 060 , 061 , 023

Feeding Adult Niche Requirements

Floodplain wetlands: remnant wetlands
Floodplain wetlands: non-connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: farmed temporary
Floodplain wetlands: unfarmed temporary
Inland wetlands: marsh
Inland wetlands: slough, bayou
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Successional stage: abandoned field
Successional stage: stable prairie/grassland
Successional stage: climax grassland
Agricultural crops: corn
Agricultural crops: milo/sorghum
Agricultural crops: crop stubble
Agricultural crops specified in comments(00670)
Grass waterways
Conservation reserve program (CRP) fields specified in comments(00676)

References for feeding adult niche requirements: 062 , 018 , 021 , 022 , 031 , 044 , 056 , 023

Resting Adult Niche Requirements

Floodplain wetlands: remnant wetlands
Floodplain wetlands: non-connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: farmed temporary
Floodplain wetlands: unfarmed temporary
Inland wetlands: marsh
Inland wetlands: slough, bayou
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Successional stage: abandoned field
Successional stage: stable prairie/grassland
Successional stage: climax grassland
Agricultural crops: corn
Agricultural crops: milo/sorghum
Agricultural crops: crop stubble
Agricultural crops specified in comments(00670)
Grass waterways
Conservation reserve program (CRP) fields specified in comments(00676)

References for resting adult niche requirements: 018 , 019 , 021 , 022 , 031 , 023

Niche Requirement Summary

Agricultural crops specified in comments(00670)
Agricultural crops: corn
Agricultural crops: crop stubble
Agricultural crops: hay
Agricultural crops: milo/sorghum
Agricultural crops: wheat
Conservation reserve program (CRP) fields
Conservation reserve program (CRP) fields specified in comments(00676)
Floodplain wetlands: connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: farmed temporary
Floodplain wetlands: non-connected scour hole
Floodplain wetlands: remnant wetlands
Floodplain wetlands: unfarmed temporary
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Grass waterways
Height of herbaceous vegetation specified in comments(00630)
Herbaceous cover (%) specified in comments(00620) Herbaceous cover (%) specified in comments
Inland wetlands: fen
Inland wetlands: marsh
Inland wetlands: slough, bayou
Inland wetlands: swamp
Isolation from humans required; should be relatively inaccessible
Leaf litter/ground debris specified in comments(00460)
Other niche requirements specified in comments(99999)
Shrubs specified in comments(00615)
Shrubs: blackberry
Size of continuous grasslands specified in comments(00365)
Standing dead vegetation specified in comments(00770)
Stumps specified in comments(00720)
Successional stage: abandoned field
Successional stage: climax grassland
Successional stage: stable prairie/grassland
Water level: seasonally flooded
Water level: semipermanently flooded

Comments about Life History:

Code Comment
024 In MO study, 67.5% of nestlings were female *60*.
006 Usually hunt 10-30' above ground *21*
007 In MN nest building occurs late April - early May *16*, in KS breed mid-April - late May *20*
008 Species may be some what polygamous where nesting density of individuals is high. Exibit lower success rate than monogamous pairs *23,31*
016 Average nest dimensions 13-20" across, 3-10" deep *21*, outside diameter 15-30", inside diameter 8-9" *31*
017 Incubation period in MN 30-32 days *16*, general incubation period ranges from 21-32 days *21,22,31*
018 Clutch size usually 5, frequently 4-6 *15,20,21,22,31* or 4-8 eggs *60*.
033 In MN arrive in March *16*.
099 Hatching success in MO study was 69.6%; fledging success was 60%, and averaged number of young fledged per successful nest was 3.3 *60*. Young fledge in 5th week after hatching *16*. In Manitoba nests were close enough to suggest semi-colonialism *17*. Nests in MO study were also close together (300-600 m between nests) in areas of most preferred habitat *60*. May have communal roosts outside breeding season *23*

Life History Information

Territoriality: defends nesting territory
Periodicity: active in day
Migration patterns specified in comments(033)
Other life history information specified in comments(099)
Origin in state: native
Seasonal distribution in state: all seasons
Foraging strategy: hawking
Foraging sites: ground
Foraging sites: water
Foraging height specified in comments(006)
Breeding season specified in comments(007)
Mating system: monogamy
Mating system: polygyny
Mating system specified in comments(008)
Display site: air
Nest/den site: on the ground
Nest materials: grasses
Nest materials: sticks
Nest dimensions specified in comments(016)
Gestation/incubation period specified in comments(017)
Clutch/litter size specified in comments(018)
Number of broods/litter per year: one
Development of young at birth/hatching: altricial
Parental care of young: female
Sex ratio specified in comments(024)

Comments about Life History:

Code Comment
024 In MO study, 67.5% of nestlings were female *60*.
006 Usually hunt 10-30' above ground *21*
007 In MN nest building occurs late April - early May *16*, in KS breed mid-April - late May *20*
008 Species may be some what polygamous where nesting density of individuals is high. Exibit lower success rate than monogamous pairs *23,31*
016 Average nest dimensions 13-20" across, 3-10" deep *21*, outside diameter 15-30", inside diameter 8-9" *31*
017 Incubation period in MN 30-32 days *16*, general incubation period ranges from 21-32 days *21,22,31*
018 Clutch size usually 5, frequently 4-6 *15,20,21,22,31* or 4-8 eggs *60*.
033 In MN arrive in March *16*.
099 Hatching success in MO study was 69.6%; fledging success was 60%, and averaged number of young fledged per successful nest was 3.3 *60*. Young fledge in 5th week after hatching *16*. In Manitoba nests were close enough to suggest semi-colonialism *17*. Nests in MO study were also close together (300-600 m between nests) in areas of most preferred habitat *60*. May have communal roosts outside breeding season *23*

References for life history: 015 , 016 , 017 , 020 , 021 , 022 , 031 , 060 , 023


Beneficial Management Practices:

Grassland - maintain large tracts of grassland
Water - develop/maintain wetlands
Water - develop/maintain freshwater marsh
Water - restrict human disturbance
Agricultural - seasonal restriction of human use of habitat
Agricultural - develop and maintain food plots
Agricultural - develop and maintain water holes, ponds, potholes, etc.
Agricultural - control grazing by domestic livestock
Agricultural - prescribed/controlled burning
Agricultural - retention of crop residue over winter
Agricultural - develop/maintain hedgerows
Agricultural - no-till farming
Agricultural - prohibit grazing
Agricultural - develop/maintain windbreaks
Agricultural - establish crp (conservation reserve program) fields
Grassland - seasonal restriction of human use of habitats
Grassland - develop and maintain water holes, ponds, potholes, etc.
Grassland - maintain natural vegetation (native)
Grassland - control grazing of domestic livestock
Grassland - prescribed/controlled burning
Grassland - maintain habitat diversity

Beneficial Management References: 002 , 043 , 058

Adverse Managment Practices:

Shrub/brush - application of pesticides
Shrub/brush - application of insecticides
Shrub/brush - control of undesirable vertebrate species (coyotes, gophers)
Shrub/brush - uncontrolled grazing of domestic livestock
Water - application of pesticides
Water - application of insecticides
Water - dredging and filling
Water - burning marshes or wetlands
Water - drainage of wetlands, marshes, ponds, lakes
Agricultural - application of pesticides
Agricultural - application of insecticides
Agricultural - control of undesirable vertebrate species (coyotes, gophers, etc.)
Agricultural - uncontrolled grazing by domestic livestock
Agricultural - haying/mowing
Agricultural - clean farming
Grassland - application of pesticides
Grassland - application of insecticides
Grassland - control of undesirable vertebrate species (coyotes, gophers)
Grassland - uncontrolled grazing of domestic livestock
Grassland - haying/mowing

Adverse Management References: 002

Comments on Management:
In KS study used windbreaks greater than 4 ha in area *43*. In KS used conservation reserve program (CRP) fields during winter *45*. In MO nested successfully in both cool and warm season pastures, but were more abundant on warm season *49*. Short-term rotational grazing can be beneficial, but season-long grazing is adverse *48*. In MO study used moderately grazed and idle areas *53*. In ND, were found only in idle areas of cool-season CRP fields *57*. A MI study recommended manipulating CRP fields after 5-6 growing seasons, to provide a variety of successional stages *59*. In IL preferred idle areas to mowed areas for nesting *52*. In another IL study, tended to nest in areas that had had no management activities during the previous 12 months. Nest site location was not influenced by whether fields were dominated by native or non-native vegetation *54*. Providing a mix of idle and managed areas in grassland complexes is beneficial *54,77**. Prescribed burning and mowing should not occur between March 1 and July 31 *55*. Annual burning, haying, mowing and brush removal on an entire area is adverse. In a MO study of an area that had portions burned each year, and one permanently idle portion, nests were found in the idle portion or in areas that had not been burned the previous year. This study recommended that burning, haying or mowing should occur before April or after July. *60*.

References for Management Comments: 042 , 045 , 049 , 052 , 053 , 054 , 057 , 059 , 060 , 063


Reference Code Citation
001 American Ornithologists Union. 1957. Checklist Of North American Birds, 5th Ed. Lord Baltimore Press. Baltimore, Md. 691 Pp.
002 Unpb Wilson, Jim D. Mo Dept. Conserv. P.O. Box 180. Jefferson City, Mo 65102. (573)751-4115.
003 Birds Of Squaw Creek National Wildife Refuge. 1975. U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service. Rf-663560-2.
004 Anderson, R. and P. Bauer. 1968. A Guide To Finding Birds In The St. Louis Area. Webster Groves Nature Study Society. 44 Pp.
005 Rising, J., T. Pucci, N. Johnson, and R. Dawson. 1978. Birds Of The Kansas City Area. Burroughs Audubon Soc. Of Kansas City And The Shawnee Mission Environ Sci. Laboratory, Shawnee Mission South High School, KS. 46 Pp.
006 Unpb Ashland Wildlife Area Winter Bird Count. 1979. 112 Stephens Hall. Univ. Of Mo, Columbia, Mo 65211 (573-882-3436).
007 Cruickshank, A.D. 1963. Christmas Bird Count. Aud. Field Notes 17(2): 73-290.
008 Duck Creek Bird Checklist. 1979. Missouri Dept. Of Conservation, Jefferson City, Mo.
009 Heye, P.L. 1975. A Preliminary List Of The Birds Of The Cape Girardeau, Missouri Area. S.E. Mo State Univ., Cape Girardeau, Mo.
010 Birds Of The Bennett Spring State Park Area Field Checklist. Nature Interpretive Center Staff.
011 Birds Of Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.1970.Department Of The Interior Fish And Wildlife Service.Bureau Of Sport Fisheries And Wildlife.Refuge Leaflet 179-R3.
012 Dierker, W.W. 1979. Birds Of The Hannibal, Missouri Area. Trans. Mo Acad. Sci. 13: 41-51.
013 Unpb Breeding Bird Survey. 1973, 1977. J.D. Wilson. Mo Dept. Of Conserv. P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, Mo 65102 (573-751-4115).
014 The Checklist Of Rare And Endangered Species Of Missouri. 1991. Mo Dept. Of Conservation. Jefferson City, Mo. 44 Pp.
015 Hall, E.M. 1947. Concentrated Nesting Of Marsh Hawks. Condor 49:211-212.
016 Breckenridge, W.J. 1935. An Ecological Study Of Some Minnesota Marsh Hawks. Condor 37:268-276.
017 Hecht, W.R. 1951. Nesting Of The Marsh Hawk At Delta, Manitoba. Wilson Bull. 63(3):167-176.
018 Weller, M.W., I.C. Adams, Jr. and B.J. Rose. 1955. Winter Roosts Of Marsh Hawks And Short-Eared Owls In Central Missouri. Wilson Bull. 67(3):189-193.
019 Randall, P.E. 1940. Seasonal Food Habits Of The Marsh Hawk In Pennsylvania. Wilson Bull. 52(3):165-172.
020 Johnston, R.F. 1964. The Breeding Birds Of Kansas. Univ. Ks Publs. Mus. Nat. Hist. 12(14):575-655.
021 Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons Of The World. Vol. 1. Mcgraw-Hill Book Co. Ny, Ny. 414pp.
022 Bent, A.C. 1937. Life Histories Of North American Birds Of Prey. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 167. 409 Pp.
023 Parry, G. and R. Putnam. 1979. Birds Of Prey. Simon and Schuster. New York. 120 Pp.
024 Errington, P.L. 1933. Food Habits Of Southern Wisconsin Raptors. Condor 35:19-29.
025 Gloyd, H.K. 1925. Field Studies Of The Diurnal Raptors Of Eastern And Central Kansas. Wilson Bull. 37:133-149.
026 Errington, P.L. and W.J. Breckenridge. 1936. Food Habits Of Marsh Hawks In The Glaciated Prairie Region Of North-Central United States Am. Midl. Nat. 17(5):831-848.
027 Stupka, A. 1933. Ohio Reports On Food Habits Of Hawks And Owls. Bird-Lore 35:241-242
028 Kelly, G. (Ed.) 1986. Animal Habitat Relations Handbook. Mo Dept. Of Conservation and U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Jefferson City, Mo. 293 Pp.
029 Thom, R.H. and J.H. Wilson. 1980 The Natural Divisions Of Missouri. Trans. Mo Acad. Sci. 14:9-24.
030 The Wildlife Code of Missouri. Missouri Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102. 573-751-4115.
031 Harrison, H.H. 1975. A Field Guide To Birds Nests In The United States East Of The Mississippi River. Houghton - Mifflin Co., Boston 257 Pp.
032 Cruickshank, A.D. 1970. Christmas Bird Count. Aud. Field Notes 24(2):101-146.
033 Heilbrun, L.H. 1976. 1975-1976 Christmas Bird Count. Amer. Birds 30(2):182-633.
034 Heilbrun, L.H. 1977. 1976-1977 Christmas Bird Count. Amer. Birds 31(4):428-909.
035 Heilbrun, L.H. 1978. 1977-1978 Christmas Bird Count. Amer. Birds 32(4):447-911.
036 Heilbrun, L.H. 1979. 1978-1979 Christmas Bird Count. Amer. Birds 33(4):327-707.
037 Comfort, J. 1974. Missouri Christmas Bird Count 1973. Bluebird 41(1):9-15.
038 Anderson, D. 1974. Winter Survey. Bluebird 41(2):2-3.
039 Robbins, M. 1975. Additions To 1975 Fall Survey. Bluebird 42(3):11
040 Unpb Missouri Department of Conservation Heritage Database. P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, Mo 65102.
041 Unpb Wilson, J.D. and B. Jacobs. 1988. The Distribution And Breeding Status Of The Birds Of Missouri (Preliminary Report). Mo Dept. Of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, Mo 65102.
042 Kantrud, H.A. and K.F. Higgins. 1992. Nest And Nest Site Characteristics Of Some Ground-Nesting Non-Passerine Birds Of Northern Grasslands. Prairie Nat. 24:67-84.
043 Cable, T.T., R.L. Schroeder, V. Brack, Jr., and P.S. Cook. 1992. Summer Bird Use Of Kansas Windbreaks. Prairie Nat. 24:175-184.
044 Linz, G.M., D.L. Bergman and W.J. Bleir. 1995. Birds Associated With Blackbird Spring Feeding Sites In South Dakota. Prairie Nat. 27:11-15.
045 Hull, S.D., R.J. Robel and K.E. Kemp. 1995. Influence Of Forb Abundance On Winter Bird Use Of Conservation Reserve Program Fields In Kansas. Prairie Nat. 27:17-21.
046 Easterla, D.A., M.B. Robbins and R.A. Anderson. 1992. Annotated Check-List Of Missouri Birds. The Audubon Society Of Missouri.
047 Johnson, D.H. 1996. Management Of Northern Prairies And Wetlands For The Conservation Of Neotropical Migratory Birds. Pp. 53-67 In Thompson, F.R. Iii, Ed. Management Of Midwestern Landscapes For The Conservation Of Neotropical Migratory Birds. U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rept. Nc-187. 208 Pp.
048 Berkey, G., R. Crawford, S. Galipeau, D. Johnson, D. Lambeth and R. Kreil. 1993. A Review Of Wildlife Management Practices In North Dakota: Effects On Nongame Bird Populations And Habitats. U.S. Forest Serv. Rept., Region 6. Denver, Co.
049 Unpb Mccoy, T.D. 1996. Avian Abundance, Composition And Reproductive Success On Conservation Reserve Program Fields In Northern Missouri. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Of Missouri, Columbia. 116 Pp.
050 Jacobs, B. and J.D. Wilson. 1997. Missouri Breeding Bird Atlas 1986-1992. Mo Dept. Of Conservation. Natural History Series No. 6. Jefferson City, Mo. 430 Pp.
051 Missouri Natural Heritage Program. 2007. Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist. Missouri Department Of Conservation. Jefferson City, Missouri. 51 Pp.
052 Herkert, J.R., S.A. Simpson, R.L. Westemeier, T.L. Esker and J.W. Walk. 1999. Response Of Northern Harriers And Short-Eared Owls To Grassland Management In Illinois. J. Wildl. Manage. 63(2):517-523.
053 Unpb Skinner, R.M. 1982. Vegetation Structure And Bird Habitat Selection On Missouri Prairies. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Of Missouri-Columbia. 210 Pp.
054 Herkert, J.R., S.A. Simpson, R.L. Westemeier, T.L. Esker and J.W. Walk. 1999. Response Of Northern Harriers And Short-Eared Owls To Grassland Management In Illinois. J. Wildl. Manage. 63(2):517-523.
055 Missouri Department Of Conservation. Best Management Practices: Northern Harrier. Mo Dept. Conservation, Jefferson City, Mo.
056 Humburg, D.D., K. Bataille, D.L. Helmers and D.A. Brunet. 1999. Wetland Ecology Studies In The Missouri River Floodplain: Evaluation Of Seasonal Habitat Use By Waterbirds On The Missouri River Floodplain Mo Dept. Conserv. Final Rept. Proj. W-13-R-53, Study 18, Job 4. 130 Pp.
057 Horn, D.J. and R.R. Koford. 2000. Relation Of Grassland Bird Abundance To Mowing Of Conservation Reserve Program Fields In North Dakota. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 28(3):653-659.
058 Johnson, D.H. and L.D. Igl. 2001. Area Requirements Of Grassland Birds: A Regional Perspective. Auk 118(1):24-34.
059 Millenbah, K.F., S.R. Winterstein, H. Campa Iii, L.T. Furrow and R.B Minnis. 1996. Effects Of Conservation Reserve Program Field Age On Avian Relative Abundance, Diversity And Productivity. Wilson Bull. 108(4):760-770.
060 Toland, B.R. 1986. Nesting Ecology Of Northern Harriers In Southwest Missouri. Trans. Mo Acad. Sci. 20:49-57.
061 Kantrud, H.A. and R.E. Stewart. 1984. Ecological Distribution And Crude Density Of Breeding Birds On Prairie Wetlands. J. Wildl. Manage. 48(2):426-437.
062 Williams, C.K., R.D. Applegate, R.S. Lutz and D.H. Rusch. 2000. A comparison of raptor densities and habitat use in Kansas cropland and rangeland ecosystems. J. Raptor Res. 34(3):203-209.
063 unpb DeJong, J.R. 2001. Landscape fragmentation and grassland patch size effects on non-game grassland birds in xeric mixed-grass prairies of western South Dakota. M.S. thesis, South Dakota State Univ., 124 pp.
064 Chesser, R.T., R.C. Banks, F.K. Barker, C.Cicero, J.L. Dunn, A.W. Kratter, I.J. Lovette, P.C. Rasmussen, J.V. Remsen, Jr., J.D. Rising, D.F. Stotz and K.Winker. 2010. 51st Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 127(3):726-744.
065 Missouri Natural Heritage Program. 2018. Missouri Species and communities of conservation concern checklist. MO Dept. of Conservation. Jefferson City, MO. pp.56.