Missouri Department of Conservation









Taxonomic Authority: BLAKE

Taxonomy References: 001



Status References: 012 , 003 , 002

Habitat Summary

"Open land (full sun) in wet meadows, fields, ditched roads, and near sinkhole ponds *007*. Occurs in wetland habitat on acid clay soil in a matrix of sand, gravel, and cobble that overlies limestone bedrock *015*."

Primary Habitat: ""

References: 007 , 005


General Occurrence in State:

"Occurs in eight counties in Missouri *003, 016**."

County Occurance

County Occurence
Known Likely Unknown Not Likely Historic Extirpated

References for distribution: 015 , 016 , 007 , 003

Distribution by Watersheds

Warm Fork Spring R. and South Fork

Comments: ""

Distribution by Ecoregions

Comments: ""

Distribution by Potential Natural Vegetation

Oak-Hickory Forest
Oak-Hickory-Pine Forest

Distribution by Natural Divisions of Missouri

Ozark: Lower Ozark

Habitat Associations

Species is associated with "Terrestrial" habitats.

National Wetlands Inventory Association:

Aquatic Associations:

"Palustrine", "Emergent, persistent",

References for Aquatic Associations: 006

Habitat Types:

See Comments

References for Habitat Types: 015 , 003 , 005

Terrestrial Natural Communities:

Wet-Mesic Prairie
Wet Prairie
Wet Prairie

References for Terrestrial Natural Communities: 007

Food Habits

Trophic Level:


Larval Food Habits

Comments for larval food habits:

References for larval food habits:

Juvenile Food Habits

Comments for Juvenile Food Habits:

References Juvenile Food Habits

Adult Food Habits

Comments for Adult Food Habits:

References Adult Food Habits

Niche Requirements

Egg Niche Requirements

References for egg niches requirements:

Feeding Larvae Niche Requirements

References for feeding larvae niche requirements:

Resting Larvae Niche Requirements

References for resting Larvae niche requirements:

Feeding Juvenile Niche Requirements

References for feeding juvenile niche requirements:

Resting Juvenile Niche Requirements

References for resting juvenile niche requirements:

Breeding Adult Niche Requirements

References for feeding Adult niche requirements:

Feeding Adult Niche Requirements

References for feeding adult niche requirements:

Resting Adult Niche Requirements

References for resting adult niche requirements:

Niche Requirement Summary

Life History Information

Dispersion: clumped dispersion
Dispersion specified in comments(029)
Reproduction (plants):obligate outcrosser
Duration of plant:perennial
Pollination by:insects
Seed dispersal by:see comments(046)
Life form:herb
Flowering period begins: June
Flowering period begins: see comments(048)
Flowering period ends: November
Flowering period ends: see comments(049)
Other life history information specified in comments(099)
Origin in state specified in comments(001)
Closely associated plant or animal species specified in comments(003)

References for life history: 012 , 013 , 008 , 009 , 010 , 005


Beneficial Management Practices:

Water - other (specify in comments)
Agricultural - uncontrolled grazing by domestic livestock
Agricultural - haying/mowing
Agriculture - other (specify in comments)

Beneficial Management References: 004 , 013 , 005

Adverse Managment Practices:

Water - other (specify in comments)

Adverse Management References: 004 , 013 , 005

Comments on Management:
Changes to hydrology caused by human interference pose a threat to Helenium. The major threat is loss of habitat due to urban development *005*. Mowing to a minimum height of 8" and minor trampling by cattle create a beneficial disturbance for Helenium *005*.

References for Management Comments: 004 , 013 , 005


Reference Code Citation
001 Steyermark, J.A. 1963. The Flora Of Missouri. The Iowa State University Press. Ames, IA. 1728 pp.
002 Missouri Natural Heritage Program. 2007. Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist. Missouri Department Of Conservation. Jefferson City, Missouri. 51 pp.
003 Unpb Missouri Department Of Conservation Heritage Database. P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102. 573-751-4115.
004 Unpb Knox, J. 1994. Report on distribution of Helenium virginicum - like plants in Missouri and further assessment of the taxonomic relationship of the Missouri plants to H. virginicum. Unpublished report of April 23, 1995 to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, MD. 6pp.
005 Van Alstine, N. 2002. Virginia sneezeweed (Helenium virginicum) recovery plan. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. 53pp.
006 Steyermark, J. 1960. An unusual hybrid Helenium. Rhodora 62: 343-346.
007 Unpb Rimer, R. Missouri Dept. Of Conservation. P.O. Box 138/618 Preacher Roe Blvd., West Plains, MO 65775. 417-256-7161.
008 Penprase, M. Rare local plant has strange roots. (Comment by John Knox in) Springfield News-Leader (online edition). Sept. 9, 2002.
009 Knox, J.S. 1997. A nine year demographic study of Helenium virginicum (Asteraceae), a narrow endemic seasonal wetland plant. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 124(3): 236-245.
010 Simurda, M.C. and J.S. Knox. 2000. ITS sequence evidence for the disjunct distribution between Virginia and Missouri of the narrow endemic Helenium virginicum (Asteraceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127(4): 316-323.
011 Knox, J.S. 1987. An experimental garden test ofcharacters used to distinguish Helenium virginicum Blake from H. autumnale L. Castanea 52(1): 52-58.
012 Unpb Knox, J.S. and M.C. Simurda. 2002. ITS sequence comparisons of the narrow endemic, Helenium virginicum (Asteraceae), with the similar Pomona, Missouri population of Helenium and eastern North American H. autumnale and H. flexuosum. Department of Biology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450-0303, 540-463-8892.
013 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of threatened status for Virginia sneezeweed (Helenium virginicum), a plant from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Federal Register 63(212): 59239-59244.
014 Unpb Smith, T. Missouri Dept of Conservation, PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102. 573-751-4115.
015 Rimer, R.L. and J.W. Summers. 2006. Range and ecology of Helenium virginicum in the Missouri Ozarks. Southeastern Naturalist 5(3): 515-522.
016 Unpb Rimer, R. Missouri Dept. of Conservation, Southwest Regional Office, 2630 N. Mayfair Ave, Springfield, MO 65803. 417-895-6881.