Missouri Department of Conservation


Common Name: BAT, INDIANA






Species: SODALIS

Taxonomic Authority: MILLER and G.M. ALLEN

Taxonomy References: 001 , 002



Status References: 004 , 015 , 030 , 037

Habitat Summary

"In the Midwest use hydric habitats *044*. During winter hibernate in limestone caves. Summer habitat includes mature riparian and adjacent upland forests. Full forest canopy with open understory preferred. Snags and cavity trees (greater than 9\" dbh) are important. Forage in riparian forest and over water."

Primary Habitat: "Savanna/Shrub/Woodland matrix"

References: 001 , 002


General Occurrence in State:

"Occurs throughout the state *01*."

County Occurance

County Occurence
Known Likely Unknown Not Likely Historic Extirpated

References for distribution: 001 , 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 , 016 , 017 , 018 , 019 , 021 , 025 , 020

Distribution by Watersheds

Wyaconda R.
North Fabius R. and Middle Fabius R.
South Fabius R.
Miss. R. from Des Moines R. to MO. R.; and North R.
North Fork from Headwaters to South Fork
South Fork from Headwaters to North Fork
Salt R.
Cuivre R.
Miss. R. from St. Louis to River Aux Vases
Meramec R.
Bourbeuse R.
Big R.
Castor R. and Castor R. Diversion Channel
St. Francis R. from Headwaters to Wappapello Dam
St. Francis R. from Wappapello Dam to Arkansas Border
Nodaway R.
Platte R.
One Hundred and Two R.
Grand R. from Headwaters to Shoal Creek
Thompson R.
Grand R. from Shoal Creek to MO. R.
Chariton R. from Headwaters to Shuteye Creek
Chariton R. from Shuteye Creek to Mo. R.
Little Chariton R.
Pomme De Terre R.
Osage R. from Warsaw to Bagnell Dam
Niangua R.
Osage R. from Bagnell Dam to Mo. R.
Gasconade R. from Headwaters to Big Piney R.
Big Piney R.
Gasconade R. from Big Piney R. to Mo. R.
Mo. R. from Kansas City to Little Chariton R.
Mo. R. from Little Chariton R. to Gasconade R.
Lamine R.
Mo. R. from Gasconade R. to Miss. R.
White R. above Tablerock Dam
James R.
White R. below Tablerock Dam and Little North Fork White R.
North Fork White R.
Black R.
Current R.
Warm Fork Spring R. and South Fork
Eleven Point R.
Spring R.
Indian Creek

Comments: "Likely to occur in units listed, based on county occurrence."

Distribution by Ecoregions

Central Till Plains, Ozark Highlands

Comments: ""

Distribution by Potential Natural Vegetation

Bluestem Prairie/Oak Hickory Forest
Cedar Glades
Oak-Hickory Forest
Oak-Hickory-Pine Forest
Southern Floodplain Forest

Distribution by Natural Divisions of Missouri

Glaciated Plains
Glaciated Plains: Western
Glaciated Plains: Grand River
Glaciated Plains: Eastern
Glaciated Plains: Lincoln Hills
Big Rivers
Big Rivers: Upper Missouri
Big Rivers: Lower Missouri
Big Rivers: Upper Mississippi
Big Rivers: Lower Mississippi
Ozark Border
Ozark Border: Missouri River
Ozark Border: Mississippi River
Ozark: Springfield Plateau
Ozark: Upper Ozark
Ozark: St. Francois Mountains
Ozark: Elk River
Ozark: White River
Ozark: Lower Ozark
Mississippi Lowlands
Mississippi Lowlands: Crowley's Ridge
Mississippi Lowlands: Lowlands
Osage Plains

Habitat Associations

Species is associated with "Terrestrial" habitats.

National Wetlands Inventory Association:


Aquatic Associations:

"See Comments"

References for Aquatic Associations: 002 , 021

Habitat Types:

Mature Shortleaf Pine (open understory)
Shortleaf Pine Old Growth
Limestone Bluff and Cave
Wooded Riparian and Bottomland Hardwood
Pond, Lake, Reservoir
Permanent Stream
Mature Shortleaf Pine (dense understory)
See Comments
Fruiting Tree-Shrub
Eastern Red Cedar (70% + crown closure)
Eastern Red Cedar (30-70% crown closure)
Edge (Forest-Field)
Immature Hardwoods (Poles/Saplings, 3-9" dbh)
Mature Oak-Hickory (9" + dbh, open understory)
Mature Oak-Hickory: (9" + dbh, dense understory)
Oak-Hickory Old Growth

References for Habitat Types: 002 , 003 , 005 , 006 , 007 , 008 , 009 , 044 , 021

Terrestrial Natural Communities:

Upland forest
Dry Forest
Dry-Mesic Forest
Mesic Forest
Upland Limestone/Dolomite Forest
Dry Limestone/Dolomite Forest
Dry-Mesic Limestone/Dolomite Forest
Mesic Limestone/Dolomite Forest
Upland Chert Forest
Dry Chert Forest
Dry-Mesic Chert Forest
Upland Sandstone Forest
Dry Sandstone Forest
Dry-Mesic Sandstone Forest
Mesic Sandstone Forest
Upland Sand Forest
Dry Sand Forest
Dry-Mesic Sand Forest
Mesic Sand Forest
Upland Igneous Forest
Dry Igneous Forest
Dry-Mesic Igneous Forest
Mesic Igneous Forest
Bottomland Forest
Dry-Mesic Bottomland Forest
Mesic Bottomland Forest
Wet-Mesic Bottomland Forest
Effluent Cave
Influent Cave
Wet Pit Cave
Dry Pit Cave
Dry Cave

References for Terrestrial Natural Communities: 002 , 003 , 005 , 006 , 007 , 008 , 009 , 012 , 024

Food Habits

Trophic Level:


Larval Food Habits

Comments for larval food habits:

References for larval food habits:

Juvenile Food Habits

Comments for Juvenile Food Habits:

References Juvenile Food Habits 004

Adult Food Habits

Homoptera (cicadas, hoppers, aphids, scale insects); Not Specified
Neuroptera (fishflies, snakeflies, dobsonflies, lacewings, antlions); Not Specified
Coleoptera (beetles); Not Specified
Trichoptera (caddisflies); Not Specified
Lepidoptera (butterflies); Not Specified
Diptera (flies, midges, mosquitos, gnats); Not Specified
Hymenoptera (sawflies, ants, wasps, bees); Not Specified
Terrestrial Insects; Not Specified
Insects Insects; Not Specified
Plecoptera (stoneflies); Not Specified

Comments for Adult Food Habits:

References Adult Food Habits 002 , 003 , 011 , 023 , 045

Niche Requirements

Egg Niche Requirements

References for egg niches requirements:

Feeding Larvae Niche Requirements

References for feeding larvae niche requirements:

Resting Larvae Niche Requirements

References for resting Larvae niche requirements:

Feeding Juvenile Niche Requirements

Floodplain specified in comments(00220)
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Natural features: ridges
Edge: woodland/crop field edge
Edge: woodland/old field edge
Edge: woodland/grassland edge
Edge: woodland/water edge

References for feeding juvenile niche requirements: 002 , 003 , 006 , 007

Resting Juvenile Niche Requirements

References for resting juvenile niche requirements:

Breeding Adult Niche Requirements

Other niche requirements specified in comments(99999)
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Natural features: caves, dry
Natural features: caves, wet
Air temperature specified in comments(00290)
Edge: woodland/crop field edge
Edge: woodland/water edge
Edge: edge specified in comments(00350)
Distance to water specified in comments(00430)
Diseased/decaying trees or plants specified in comments(00470)
Tree cavities: cavities in live trees
Tree cavities: cavities in dead/dying trees
Snags specified in comments(00510)
Canopy closure (%) specified in comments(00530)
Dbh of nest trees specified in comments(00590)
Isolation from humans required; should be relatively inaccessible

References for feeding Adult niche requirements: 002 , 003 , 005 , 007 , 008 , 012 , 022 , 027 , 031 , 035 , 038 , 040

Feeding Adult Niche Requirements

Floodplain specified in comments(00220)
Inland wetlands: permanent stream
Inland wetlands: pond, lake, reservoir
Stream width specified in comments(00265)
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Natural features: ridges
Edge: woodland/crop field edge
Edge: woodland/old field edge
Edge: woodland/grassland edge
Edge: woodland/water edge
Successional stage: abandoned field
Distance to water specified in comments(00430)
Canopy closure (%) specified in comments(00530)

References for feeding adult niche requirements: 002 , 003 , 006 , 007 , 028 , 033 , 034 , 039

Resting Adult Niche Requirements

Floodplain specified in comments(00220)
Inland wetlands: permanent stream
Inland wetlands: pond, lake, reservoir
Stream width specified in comments(00265)
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Natural features: ridges
Edge: woodland/crop field edge
Edge: woodland/old field edge
Edge: woodland/grassland edge
Edge: woodland/water edge
Successional stage: abandoned field
Distance to water specified in comments(00430)
Canopy closure (%) specified in comments(00530)

References for resting adult niche requirements: 002 , 003 , 005 , 007 , 008 , 012 , 024 , 028 , 029 , 034 , 036 , 039

Niche Requirement Summary

Air temperature specified in comments(00290)
Canopy closure (%) specified in comments(00530)
Dbh of nest trees specified in comments(00590)
Diseased/decaying trees or plants specified in comments(00470)
Distance to water specified in comments(00430)
Edge: edge specified in comments(00350)
Edge: woodland/crop field edge
Edge: woodland/grassland edge
Edge: woodland/old field edge
Edge: woodland/water edge
Floodplain specified in comments(00220)
General habitat association specified in comments(00270)
Inland wetlands: permanent stream
Inland wetlands: pond, lake, reservoir
Isolation from humans required; should be relatively inaccessible
Natural features specified in comments(00280)
Natural features: caves, dry
Natural features: caves, wet
Natural features: ridges
Other niche requirements specified in comments(99999)
Snags specified in comments(00510)
Stream width specified in comments(00265)
Successional stage: abandoned field
Tree cavities specified in comments(00490)
Tree cavities: cavities in dead/dying trees
Tree cavities: cavities in live trees

Comments about Life History:

Code Comment
030 In MO, show a general increase in activitiy throughout the night *045*.
031 8% mortality between birth and weaning found in Indiana *07*.
033 In michigan, a radiotelemetry study found that members of summer colonies do not all hibernate in the same location. Average distance from summer colony to hibernaculum was 460 km. All summer recaptures were within the known home range of the summer colony being studied.*40*.
007 Breed from August- October, but most in early October in MO and kentucky *02,03,08*.
013 Summer roosts may be used in successive years *28,36,39*. Also return to same foraging areas annually *39*.
024 In NY cave sex ratio 51.4 % males *13*.
026 May establish feeding territories *03*.
028 Foraging ranges in IL study averaged 51.85 ha for pregnant females, 94.25 ha for lactating females, 212.67 ha for post-lactating females, 37 ha for juvenile females, 57.33 ha for adult males and 28.25 ha for juvenile males *28*.
099 In MO females arrive at caves and begin hibernation in October, males remain active in order to mate with arriving females *02,03*. Apparently end hibernation March-April *02*. Species shows strong loyalty for hibernation caves *03*. Individuals may be active periodically during hibernation *08*. Young are born late June - early July in MO *02,05*. Young reared in maternity colonies of 25 - 100 adults *02*. In Indiana survival rates 17% for adults and longevity may be as much as 14.8 years for females and 13.5 years for males *14*.
011 Most roost trees are conifer snags esp. under exfoliating bark of dead or dying trees. Roost trees include Pinus spp., Quercus rubra, Betula lenta, and Tsuga canadensis of dbh 26-109. *043*
018 1 young per litter *02,05,07,08*.
006 Forage between 3-10 m above ground, under forest canopy, or around crowns of trees *03,06*. In TN study, foraging bats captured at average height of 3.6 m, mostly centered around 2 m and 4.5 m, none captured greater than 7 m high *32*.

Life History Information

Territoriality specified in comments(026)
Home range size specified in comments(028)
Periodicity: active at night
Periodicity specified in comments(030)
Mortality rate specified in comments(031)
Migration patterns specified in comments(033)
Other life history information specified in comments(099)
Origin in state: native
Seasonal distribution in state: all seasons
Foraging strategy: flycatching
Foraging sites: air
Foraging sites: trunk of tree
Foraging height specified in comments(006)
Breeding season specified in comments(007)
Nest/den site: cavity in live tree
Nest/den site: cavity in dead or dying tree
Nest/den site: secondary cavity (uses existing cavity)
Nest/den site: under bark
Nest/den site specified in comments(011)
Nest/den/spawning site tenacity specified in comments(013)
Nest materials: no nest structure
Clutch/litter size specified in comments(018)
Number of broods/litter per year: one
Development of young at birth/hatching: altricial
Parental care of young: female
Sex ratio specified in comments(024)

Comments about Life History:

Code Comment
030 In MO, show a general increase in activitiy throughout the night *045*.
031 8% mortality between birth and weaning found in Indiana *07*.
033 In michigan, a radiotelemetry study found that members of summer colonies do not all hibernate in the same location. Average distance from summer colony to hibernaculum was 460 km. All summer recaptures were within the known home range of the summer colony being studied.*40*.
007 Breed from August- October, but most in early October in MO and kentucky *02,03,08*.
013 Summer roosts may be used in successive years *28,36,39*. Also return to same foraging areas annually *39*.
024 In NY cave sex ratio 51.4 % males *13*.
026 May establish feeding territories *03*.
028 Foraging ranges in IL study averaged 51.85 ha for pregnant females, 94.25 ha for lactating females, 212.67 ha for post-lactating females, 37 ha for juvenile females, 57.33 ha for adult males and 28.25 ha for juvenile males *28*.
099 In MO females arrive at caves and begin hibernation in October, males remain active in order to mate with arriving females *02,03*. Apparently end hibernation March-April *02*. Species shows strong loyalty for hibernation caves *03*. Individuals may be active periodically during hibernation *08*. Young are born late June - early July in MO *02,05*. Young reared in maternity colonies of 25 - 100 adults *02*. In Indiana survival rates 17% for adults and longevity may be as much as 14.8 years for females and 13.5 years for males *14*.
011 Most roost trees are conifer snags esp. under exfoliating bark of dead or dying trees. Roost trees include Pinus spp., Quercus rubra, Betula lenta, and Tsuga canadensis of dbh 26-109. *043*
018 1 young per litter *02,05,07,08*.
006 Forage between 3-10 m above ground, under forest canopy, or around crowns of trees *03,06*. In TN study, foraging bats captured at average height of 3.6 m, mostly centered around 2 m and 4.5 m, none captured greater than 7 m high *32*.

References for life history: 043 , 002 , 003 , 005 , 006 , 007 , 008 , 044 , 014 , 028 , 032 , 036 , 039 , 045


Beneficial Management Practices:

Water - control pollution (thermal, physical, chemical)
Water - develop/maintain streamside vegetation
Water - restrict human disturbance
Agricultural - seasonal restriction of human use of habitat
Agricultural - maintain riparian habitats
Agricultural - maintain streamside vegetation
Agricultural - maintain habitat diversity
Agricultural - maintain woodlots
Forest - seasonal restriction of human use of habitats
Forest - maintain wilderness environment
Forest - maintain riparian habitats
Forest - develop/maintain edge (ecotones)
Forest - maintain streamside vegetation
Forest - maintain habitat diversity
Forest - reforestation
Forest - maintain old growth forests
Forest - retain snags/cavity trees

Beneficial Management References: 002 , 003 , 004

Adverse Managment Practices:

Water - application of pesticides
Water - application of insecticides
Water - navigational improvements (channelization, dams, locks)
Water - stream channelization
Agricultural - application of pesticides
Agricultural - application of insecticides
Forest - application of pesticides
Forest - application of insecticides

Adverse Management References: 002 , 003

Comments on Management:
Caves used for hibernation must be protected September 1 - April 30 with gates or fencing, as well as with posted notices *26*. should minimize disturbance near roost trees, in upland and riparian areas. small clearcuts around large standing dead trees are beneficial. potential maternal roost trees can be created by girdling trees greater than 30 cm dbh. trees should have no shade during the day and should be in areas with greater than 20% forest within 3 km around the tree. Preserving live shagbark hickories also provides potential roost trees. *31*. riparian forests should be managed to increase and maintain the numbers of large diameter trees and prevent removal of dead trees greater than 30.1 cm dbh *38*.

References for Management Comments: 026 , 031 , 038 , 040


Reference Code Citation
001 Hall, E.R. 1981. The Mammals Of North America, 2nd Ed. John Wiley And Sons, Inc. New York. 1181pp.
002 Schwartz, C.W. and E.R. Schwartz. 1981. The Wild Mammals Of Missouri 2nd Ed. Univ. Of Missouri Press And Mo Dept. Of Conservation, Columbia, Mo. 356 Pp.
003 Laval, R.K. and M.L. Laval. 1980. Ecological Studies And Management Of Missouri Bats, With Emphasis On Cave Dwelling Species. Mo. Dept. Of Conserv. Terr. Ser. #8. 53 Pp.
004 Unpb Clawson, R.L. Mo. Dept. Of Conservation. 1110 S. College Ave. Columbia, Mo. 65201 (573-882-9880)
005 Esterla, D.A. and L.C. Watkins. 1969. Pregnant Myotis Sodalis In Northwestern Missouri. J. Mammal. 50:372-373.
006 Laval, R.K., R.L. Clawson, M.L. Laval, and W. Claire. 1977. Foraging Behavior And Nocturnal Activity Patterns Of Missouri Bats, With Emphasis On The Endangered Species Myotis Grisescens And Myotis Sodalis. J. Mammal. 58(4):592-599.
007 Humphrey, S.R., A.R. Richter, And J.B. Cope. 1977. Summer Habitat And Ecology Of The Endangered Indiana Bat, Myotis Sodalis. J. Mammal. 58:334-346.
008 Barbour, R.W. and W.H. Davis. 1969. Bats Of America. Univ. Press Of Kentucky. Lexington. 285 Pp.
009 Kelly, G. (Ed.) 1986. Animal Habitat Relations Handbook. Mo Dept. Of Conservation and U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Jefferson City, Mo. 293 Pp.
010 Thom, R.H. and J.H. Wilson. 1980 The Natural Divisions Of Missouri. Trans. Mo Acad. Sci. 14:9-24.
011 Whitaker, J.O., Jr. 1972. Food Habits Of Bats From Indiana. Can. J. 200l. 50:877-883.
012 Clawson, R.L., R.K. Laval, M.L. Laval, And W. Caire. 1980. Clustering Behavior Of Hibernating Myotis Sodalis In Missouri. J. Mammal. 61(2):245-253.
013 Griffin, D.R. 1940. Notes On The Life Histories Of New England Cave Bats. J. Mammal. 21:181-187.
014 Humphrey, S.R. and J.B. Cope. 1977. Survival Rates Of The Endangered Indiana Bat, Myotis Sodalis. J. Mammal. 58:32-36
015 The Wildlife Code of Missouri. Missouri Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102. 573-751-4115.
016 Unpb Elder, W. H., Collection Records. 112 Stephens Hall, Univ. Of Mo. Columbia, Mo. 65211 (573-882-3436)
017 Unpb Clawson, R.L. (Laval's Field Notes). Mo. Dept. Of Conserv. 1110 S. College Ave., Columbia, Mo. 65201 (573-882-9880)
018 Unpb Gardner, G. and T. Gardner. Number 30 Rolla Gardens Rolla, Mo
019 Unpb Easterla, D.A. Dept. Of Biology N.W. Mo St. Univ. Maryville, Mo 64468 (816-582-7141)
020 Unpb Popowski, J. Memo To Fish and Wildl. Serv. Field Supervisor, Columbia, Mo (Dated 8/16/85). Concerning Revised County Listings Of Federally Listed Species Within Missouri.
021 Unpb Clawson, R.L. 1984. An Investigation Of The Summer Distribution And Status Of Indiana Bats In Missouri. P-R Project W-13-R-38. Study 66. Job No. 3.
022 Missouri Dept. Of Conservation and U.S. Forest Service. 1985. Management Of Snags And Cavity Trees In Missouri. Mo Cons. Comm, Jefferson City, Mo. 21 Pp.
023 Brack, V. Jr., and R.K. Laval. 1985. Food Habits Of The Indiana Bat In Missouri. J. Mammal. 66:308-315.
024 Raesly, R.L. and J.E. Gates. 1987. Winter Habitat Selection By North Temperate Cave Bats. Amer. Midl. Nat. 118( 11):15-31.
025 Unpb Missouri Department of Conservation Heritage Database. P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, Mo 65102.
026 Clawson, R. 7 R. Titus. 1988. Species Management Plan For The Indiana Bat And The Gray Bat In Missouri. Wildlife Division, Mo Dept. Of Conservation, Jefferson City, Mo. 48 Pp.
027 Kurta, A., D. King, J.A. Teramino, J.M. Stribley and K.J. Williams. 1993. Summer Roosts Of The Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis) On The Northern Edge Of Its Range. Amer. Midl. Nat. 129:132-138.
028 Garner, J.D. and J.E. Gardner. 1992. Determination Of Summer Distribution And Habitat Utilization Of The Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis) In Illinois. Il Dept. Of Conservation Research Project E-3. 25 Pp.
029 Brack, V. Jr., K. Tyrell, R.A. King and J. Belthoff. 1992. A Model Of Summer Habitat Use By The Federally Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis) In Indiana: 1992 Field Studies. Indiana Dept. Nat. Res., Div. Of Fish and Wildl. Endangered Species Project E-1-7, Study No. 8, Job No. 3. 146 Pp.
030 Rare And Endangered Species Checklist Of Missouri. 1994. Mo Dept. Of Conservation. Natural Heritage Database. 31 Pp.
031 Unpb Callahan, E.V. Iii. 1993. Indiana Bat Summer Habitat Requirements. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Of Missouri, Columbia. 84 Pp.
032 unpb Lee, Y. 1993. Feeding Ecology Of The Indiana Bat, Myotis Sodalis, And Resource Partitioning With Myotis Keenii And Myotis Lucifugus. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville.
033 3/D Environmental Services, Inc. 1993. A Model Of Summer Habitat Use By The Federally Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis) In Indiana: Compilation Of Data From 1990-1992 Field Studies. Report To Indiana Dept. Of Nat. Res., End. Species Prog. Proj. E-1-4. Study No. 8.
034 Romme, R.C., K. Tyrell and V. Brack, Jr. 1995. Literature Summary And Habitat Suitability Index Model Components Of Summer Habitat For The Indiana Bat, Myotis Sodalis. Indiana Dept. Nat. Res. Division Of Fish and Wildl. Fed. Aid Proj. E-1-7, Study No. 8. 190 Pp.
035 Clawson, R.L. 1996. Indiana Bat Summer Habitat Patterns In Missouri. Mo Dept. Of Conservation. P-R Project W-13-R-50(1996), Study No. 5, Job No.1. 16 Pp.
036 Kurta, A., K.J. Williams and R. Mies. 1996. Ecological, Behavioral, And Thermal Observations Of A Peripheral Population Of Indian Bat (Myotis Sodalis). P 102-117 In Barclay, R.M.R. and R.M. Brigham, Eds. 1996. Bats And Forest Symposium, October 19-21, 1995, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Res. Br., B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Work Pap. 23/1996. 292 Pp.
037 Missouri Natural Heritage Program. 2004. Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist. Missouri Department Of Conservation. Jefferson City, Missouri. 47 Pp.
038 Unpb Miller, N.E. 1996. Indiana Bat Summer Habitat Patterns In Northern Missouri. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Of Missouri-Columbia. 109 Pp.
039 Harvey, M.J., V.R. Mcdaniel and J.D. Wilhide. 1999. Behavioral Ecology Of Endangered Bats In Arkansas. Arkansas Game and Fish Comm. Final Report. 118 Pp.
040 unpb Rucker, H.D. 2001. Conversion of tall fescue pastures to tallgrass prairie in southeastern Kansas: small mammal responses. M.S. Thesis, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. 68 pp.
042 Feldhamer, G.A., T.C. Carter, A.T. Morzillo, and E.H. Nicholson. 2003. Use of bridges as day roosts by bats in southern Illinois. Trans. IL Acad. Sci. 96(2): 107-112.
043 Britzke ER, ML Harvey, and SC Loeb. 2003. Indiana bat, Myotis sodalis, maternity roosts in the southern United States. Southeastern Naturalist 2(2): 235-242.
044 Carter, T.C. 2006. Indiana bats in the Midwest: The importance of hydric habitats. Journal of Wildlife Management 70(5): 1185-1190.
045 Unpb Miller, M.N. 2003. Activities within a Myotine bat community with emphasis on the endangered Indiana bat, Myotis sodalis. M.S. Thesis, Southwest Missouri State Univ. 62 Pp.