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Missouri Stream Team
Welcome to the Stream Team Portal
Due to an increase in web security levels, please refrain from using any special characters other than a period (.) in any data entry field.
The Stream Team Program will be transitioning to a new data entry system. In order to prepare for this transition, emails will be required for all new and existing volunteers to submit such things as Activity Reports, supply orders, and water quality data. Please make sure your email is on file with the Program to ease this transition.
Thank You
Having difficulties? Email Stream.Team@mdc.mo.gov or call 1-800-781-1989 for help.
Stream Team voice mailbox: 800-781-1989
Stream Team Unit
Missouri Dept. of Conservation
PO Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180
Academy Workshop Registration
Activity Report
Calendar Event Submission
Equipment Reorder Form
New Team Registration
Water Quality Workshop Registration
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Volunteers need to login ONLY if they are entering water quality data